HCC Adult Chorus
Membership Details: 2024-2025 Season
Welcome to the Hudson Community Chorus. Starting our 36th season, we are a non-profit (501c3) organization, open to singers from anywhere in Northeast Ohio. We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Jon C. Peterson as our new Artistic Director for the 2024-2025 season with Anne Dalby, Collaborative Pianist.
This page is meant to serve as a guideline for members but information, especially dates and times for specific events may be changed. Our priority, in rehearsals and performance, is the health of our members and our audiences. We continue to follow, local, state, and federal health guidelines and consult with authorities in these areas in our decision making if and when the need should arise.
HCC is a collaborative effort of a volunteer board of directors responsible for hiring the directors, logistics, music library, finances, development and membership with the help and support of singers. Music and concert themes are selected by the artistic staff.
By its very nature, a chorus is made up of many voices singing together, so a commitment to regularly attend rehearsals and practice between rehearsals is key. If you will not be able to attend a rehearsal, please let us know at absences@hudsonsings.org or note an "A" on the attendance sheet if you know you will miss a rehearsal in advance. There are no auditions to become a member of the chorus. Auditions are required to join the smaller chamber ensemble and solos as needed. Those auditions are announced prior to the event at rehearsals and online.

Concert dates this season are Sunday, December 8, 2024 and Sunday, April 27, 2025. A full calendar of events will be made available at the first rehearsal. Times and some additional dates are subject to change, but those changes will be announced at rehearsal, sent via email and posted on www.hudsonsings.org. It is your responsibility to keep up on changes.
The dues are $60 per semester (paid at the beginning of each semester) and $100 for the year payable by cash, check or credit card at the first rehearsal or with your online registration. Dues are non-refundable. Make checks payable to Hudson Community Chorus or they can be paid online at hudsonsings.org. Dues cover only a small portion of the chorus budget. HCC has always paid its artistic director, accompanist, and guest musicians. In addition, the chorus pays for the cost of music, copyright fees, promotion, insurance, and rentals fees. Members are encouraged to contribute to the Annual Campaign each year and to promote the sale of concert tickets. Any donations to HCC are tax deductible and may be matched by your employer.
Rehearsals for the Adult Chorus are held every TUESDAY evenings, from 7:00 p.m to 9:00 pm at Hudson Presbyterian Church,
201 W. Streetsboro St., Hudson.
Please arrive, be seated and ready to warm up at 7 p.m.. Please use the lower door on the right from the lower parking lot when entering and exiting the building.
The music you receive is for your use during the season. Please mark the front of your music with the number written on the yellow, manila envelope given to you on your first night of rehearsal each semester – that number will be yours for the semester. Please make all notes in pencil. Following the concert, music must be returned to Maria Tazzi. Singers will be billed for lost or damaged music or music not returned in a timely manner.
If a rehearsal is cancelled for any reason, you will be notified by email as soon as possible. Information will also be posted on www.hudsonsings.org and at the rehearsal site.
Announcements are made either before or at the end of rehearsals and a weekly email communication with additional information, schedule changes, links to current music, upcoming musical/theater events and items of interest. Please watch for these emails. The web site is also regularly updated.
Choral singing is a group effort, so your absence not only affects your ability to learn the music but impacts the entire chorus, making it difficult to balance sound. If you are unable to attend, please notify absences@hudsonsings.org and check with your section leader for rehearsal notes. Every attempt is made to record the rehearsal and post it shortly after to help you to catch up and reinforce the rehearsal. It is not a substitute for attending rehearsals. If you miss more than three rehearsals, you must speak to the director.
Cancellations, Communications, & Absences
Concert Dress
Black folders are used to hold our music at concerts. You can use any black folder of your choice but a professional version is available online at www.mymusicfolders.com at a minimum cost. Members are urged to begin using folders early in the season.
Music Folders
Dress Rehearsal
Dress rehearsal dates and times will be posted on the yearly schedule. These rehearsals are MANDATORY if you wish to sing in the concert. Please be on time and prepared to work. Concert dress is not worn to this rehearsal.
Board of Directors
The board welcomes your questions, comments and your help. Board meetings are held monthly on the 2nd Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. and are open to all. Committee membership to assist with membership, communications, development, logistics, and other areas is open to all.
Kathy Sluzewski | President |
Kevin McMillan | Vice President |
Ryan Dawe | Secretary |
Maria Tazzi | Treasurer/Music Librarian/Membership |
Clay Archer | Technology |
Jim Carsten | Logistics |
Laura Pritchard | Chorus Rep |
Les Fossler | Community Rep |
Eve Sliwinski | Artistic Liaison |