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2024-2025 Adult Chorus Registration

All new and returning chorus members should complete a registration form at the beginning of each fall term. Please contact with any questions.

Adult Chorus Registration

Please complete all fields below.

HCC will contact you at the email address provided to send chorus updates, including but not limited to rehearsal notes and concert details. This is our primary method of communicating with the chorus. However, if you do not wish to receive these updates in email, please send a note to <> and you will be removed from the list.

May we text your cell phone?
May we use your name and image on a website directory for chorus members?
What part do you sing?

Select a vocal range, or choose "I'm not Sure" or "I'd Like to Discuss"

Are you available for any performances beyond our traditional concert?
Hudson Community Chorus thrives through the work of its members. Will you help us in any of these areas?
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